Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator / Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator / Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator
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P&G Mental Health Week
As part of the annual P&G Health Week, come up with an event concept that will teach employees to find a balance with themselves.
An event where we invited Procter & Gamble employees to reboot and experience something really enjoyable. Each day was dedicated to one of the senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste. Within these feelings, various thematic activations were carried out.
It’s not easy to hold somebody’s attention for longer than 2 minutes so I suggest you to solve a riddle. Type your answer and you’ll see how something will change here.
Keeps at home but not an idler.
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I want to top up my balance. Write me, I’ll take up any freelance.
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