Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator / Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator / Anton Klopov / Brand Manager & Creator
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Be Artist Tik-Tok Contest
Special Projects
Promote the BEARTIST concept, broadcasted by MTS as a part of strategic sponsorship with MAMM.
A creative contest on TikTok, in which users were creatinn art videos and sharing them on their TikTok accounts. The competition was promoted by 33 art bloggers in their accounts.
To bring them together, a special signature track from MTS and Slava Marlow was used. Branding was added to the track: adlib "M-Te-Es" and a cover with the name of the concept in the colors of the brand.
The launching blogger posted a video calling for the contest on her TikTok account and inspired subscribers with her creative example. Especially for the competition, the blogger, together with the agency, created a mask for Instagram with the “Be artist” manifesto. Users uploaded their videos using the branded track and explored the topic of freedom of creativity and self-expression in the format that seemed most interesting to them. At the end of the project, a jury formed of representatives of MAMM and MTS selected 45 best works for their demonstration at a special exhibition in the museum.
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